Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

Characteristics of Living Things project

What is Life??

In order to be alive, an object (or group of objects) must meet all of the following characteristics:

  1. Have an organized body made of one or more cells
  2. Grow and develop
  3. Reproduce (hence the "group of objects" - not all individuals reproduce, but some must!)
  4. Respond to the environment around it (short, fast responses AND long-term changes)
  5. Take in and use energy
  6. Exchange gases with environment

There are other, more complex characteristics, but we'll start with these.

In addition, all living things have common needs:

  1. Water (which is why we spend so much time looking for water on other planets! Water = the possibility of life!)
  2. A habitat (NOT "shelter" or a "home" - those are more specific for animals)
  3. A source of energy (from sun, food, etc.)
  4. Raw materials (vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, etc.)

Senin, 08 Desember 2014

preambule, opening :D

Assalamualaikum brotha and sistaaa
it is the first time I have blog. Alhamdulillah.. and I'll try to write post every.. I can't say to you that I can write every blabla haha. I just write in my spare time.
o ya, I'm forget to introduce my self first. my name Ratna Fatimatuzzahrah, but every people call me iik. it is abstract from my parent's name. I like the nick iik, it is hear funny and cute I think haha. my home town is in Pasuruan, East Java, but now I stay at Surabaya because I studying at State University of Surabaya in Biology major. I am seventeenth now, because I'm January 10th, 1997.
I love my parents so much and always miss them when I am at Surabaya. hhh.. I just can struggle to make them proud to me. Happy to see me. I wont suffer from a loss their smile. I love them so much! :')